Harnessing the Power of repmat for Array Manipulation in MATLAB – TheLinuxCode (2024)

Welcome, reader! If you routinely work with arrays and matrices in MATLAB, you‘ve likely needed to manipulate or repeat data to suit your analysis tasks. Converting vectors to matrices, changing dimensionality of datasets, or expanding matrices are common reshaping operations.

Luckily, MATLAB provides the powerful repmat function just for these purposes! Repmat allows flexible repetition and manipulation of array elements to transform your data. Whether you have sensor readings, image pixels, demographic information, or any other grid-based data, repmat can help reshape it.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn:

  • How the repmat syntax works to repeat array data
  • Techniques to convert vectors into matrices
  • Ways to transform matrix dimensionality into 3D+ arrays
  • Approaches for expanding matrix sizes as needed
  • Real-world examples and use cases for repmat

If you often find yourself needing to reshape arrays – stay tuned! By the end, you‘ll have expert techniques to manipulate matrices in MATLAB.

An In-Depth Guide to repmat Syntax

The repmat function includes a few syntax options to dictate how the input array gets repeated. Let‘s break down what each format means:

B = repmat(A,n)

This syntax repeats the elements in array A uniformly by whatever integer value n indicates. So if A is a 5×5 matrix and n=3, the output B will be a 15×15 matrix containing 3 copies of A in the vertical and horizontal dimensions.

Harnessing the Power of repmat for Array Manipulation in MATLAB – TheLinuxCode (1)

B = repmat(A,r1,...,rN) 

This syntax allows repetition to be specified separately for each dimension, from 1 to N dims.

For example, if A is a 2×3 matrix, and we specify:

B = repmat(A,2,3)

This will repeat A with 2 copies vertically (dim1) and 3 copies horizontally (dim2), resulting in a 4×9 output matrix B.

Harnessing the Power of repmat for Array Manipulation in MATLAB – TheLinuxCode (2)

Being able to dictate custom repetitions along different dimensions gives flexibility in sizing the output array.

B = repmat(A,r)

Here, the repetitions are specified in a single row vector r, with one value per dimension defining how many times to copy A.

If A is a 3×5 matrix, and we specify:

r = [2 4];B = repmat(A,r); 

This will repeat A two times vertically (first element = 2) and 4 times horizontally (second element = 4). So B will be a 6×20 matrix.

Let‘s compare how input array size influences output size across these main syntax options:

SyntaxInput ArrayOutput Array
B = repmat(A,3)5×5 A15×15 B
B = repmat(A,2,3)2×3 A4×9 B
B = repmat(A, [2 4])3×5 A6×20 B

Now that you understand the core syntax formats, let‘s look at some applied examples!

Converting Vectors to Matrices with repmat

Repeating a single column or row vector into a 2D matrix format can be extremely useful. Matrix data structures lend themselves better to certain types of analysis.

For example, let‘s say you have recorded a week‘s worth of temperature data from a sensor, stored as a row vector called weekly_temps.

weekly_temps = [70.1 73.5 68.8 75.2 79.9 82.3 84.7]

To visualize this properly in a line chart, plotting the temperature on the y-axis over time on the x-axis, you need your data in a matrix structure.

Repmat makes this vector-to-matrix conversion simple:

temps_matrix = repmat(weekly_temps,1,7)

Now temps_matrix is a 1×7 matrix, with the temperature readings repeated horizontally along the columns.

We can visualize this nicely in a line plot:

Harnessing the Power of repmat for Array Manipulation in MATLAB – TheLinuxCode (3)

By converting your vectors into matrices, you gain access to matrix-based functions for analysis and visualization.

Manipulating Matrix Dimensionality with Repmat

In addition to converting vectors, repmat shines for manipulating matrix dimensionality. It makes it trivial to transform your 2D matrices into multi-dimensional arrays.

Working with higher dimensional data (3D, 4D, etc) is increasingly common in disciplines like medical imaging, geospatial data, video processing, and more.

Let‘s walk through an example applying repmat to convert 2D MRI scan slices into volumetric 3D brain imaging data.

Here we have 150 MRI images from scanning a brain, loaded as 150 separate 150×150 matrices in MATLAB, and stored into a cell array called slice_cells:

slice_cells = {slice01, slice02, ..., slice150} 

To construct a proper 3D brain volume, we want to combine this slice data into a single 150x150x150 3D matrix called brain_vol.

This 3D consolidation is easy with repmat:

brain_vol = repmat(slice_cells{1}, [150 1 1]);

By repeating the first slice matrix 150 times in the third dimension, we essentially stack up the slices, reconstructing the full 3D brain image in brain_vol!

The flexibility of repmat for increasing matrix dimensionality unlocks powerful data visualization, since 3D volumes render and slice better than individual 2D images.

Expanding Matrix Size with Repmat

In addition to extending dimensionality, we often need to simply expand a matrix size while keeping 2D form. This helps scale datasets to provide additional rows/columns for analysis routines.

For example, let‘s say we are analyzing 5 years of corn harvest yield data from a farm, loaded as a 5×3 matrix:

yield_data = [7.2 7.9 6.8 5.6 8.4 7.5 9.1 6.7 5.3 3.9 4.7 7.1 8.2 9.5 6.3];

Where each row contains the three crop yield numbers from each season (Spring, Summer, Fall).

To provide more robust analytics, we wish to simulate 20 seasons by expanding to 20 rows. Without manually entering values, repmat provides an easy way to scale:

r = [4 1]; yield_data_expanded = repmat(yield_data, r);

By repeating yield_data by a scale factor of 4 vertically, our expanded matrix is now 20×3, ready for deeper data analysis!

When to Use Repmat in Your Workflow

Hopefully these examples give you ideas of applying repmat for your own matrices!

Some of the most common use cases include:

  • Expanding small datasets for machine learning algorithms
  • Reshaping vectors to visualize over time
  • Extrapolating 2D image sequences into 3D renderings
  • Adding array dimensions to map real-world coordinates
  • Preparing multidimensional medical/geospatial imaging data for analysis

So whenever you need to repeat, expand, transform, or rearrange array-based data in MATLAB, be sure to leverage the power of repmat!

Key Takeaways for Repmat Mastery

Let‘s recap the key syntax formats and capabilities covered in this guide:


  • B = repmat(A,n)
    • Repeat A uniformly n times
  • B = repmat(A,r1,…,rN)
    • Define specific repetitions along each dim
  • B = repmat(A,r)
    • Specify repetitions in vector r


  • Convert vectors to matrices
  • Manipulate matrix dimensionality
  • Expand matrix size
  • Reshape arrays for analysis needs

I hope these repmat techniques empower you to manipulate matrices with ease in your own MATLAB work. Please reach out if you have any other questions – happy to help explain further as you implement repmat!

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Harnessing the Power of repmat for Array Manipulation in MATLAB – TheLinuxCode (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.